Monday, March 30, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Latest Photoshop

This one is entitled 'RedHour'

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Slightly different version of 'Sexual Tension'

Is it getting hot in here?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Alright, I'll admit it, I'm obsessed at the moment with creating beautiful K/S pictures. This is my latest.

I am also writing alot of K/S fanfic.

You can read my stuff here:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Shatmoy to All.

22nd March to 26th March 1931 was a very good time indeed and now 78 years later we can still celebrate the lives of these two most extraordinary men.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Him great fella Macho Gypsy Traveller
She housewife superstar crazed adept
Roles to enjoy
Here’s another sex slave toy boy
Loved and coddled
Protected and soothed
Can I play heart-broken lover
Deceived by lust
Injured by touch
Would you like to play
Any mixed up combination
Of games, we create in the moments
Given us the mistake of time
Trapped only by the thoughts we make
The dreams we shake
And the risks we take
Judging ourselves worthy
Laughing at crap
Spiteful fear lurking
Sideling around the edges of our bodies
Fuck you Jack; you will never own a thing
Never dive into the well of mundane life
The choice of freedom traps just as many
As does the choice of slavery
When you think about it
That must be the final jump/push
Into the arms of Nothingness
BE anything, BE
How can you, how dare you?
Just because you do!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Just want to share my two favourite Kirk/Spock videos with you.

Both Sides Now

The incomparable Captain James T. Kirk as he appeared in the beautiful episode City on the Edge of Forever.

The enigmatic Mr Spock giving the Vulcan greeting, Live Long and Prosper from the powerful episode Amok Time.

Captain Kirk and his First Officer Spock are my obsession. Their on-screen adventures shaped me, my philosophy and my outlook on life. They have been a constant in my life and I still find them an inspiration after 40 years of watching them.